Youth Protection Test
Ensure compliance with the Youth Protection Act with youth protection tests
Youth protection tests include tests to determine whether and to what extent youth protection requirements are being met.
Youth protection tests are used to collect information that is used to check and develop employees or trading partners. The focus is on the dispensing of goods or services regulated in the protection of minors, in particular alcohol, smoking products and gambling.
Synonymously used terms are Jugendschutz-Test and JuSchu-Checks.
Typical test criteria are, for example:
- References are made to youth protection requirements
- An age check is carried out
- If there is no proof of age, the goods are refused for sale.
In a narrower sense, these are classic mystery shopping tests in which the processes and test criteria are geared to issues of youth protection.
These tests are primarily used in the retail, retail trade, online stores and gambling sectors.
Youth Protection Test - a concertare service
concertare has a large pool of underage or very young-looking testers who are just of age and can be used for youth protection tests. Underage testers are generally only used with the permission of their legal guardians and together with an accompanying adult. All legal provisions and regulations for the protection of minors that apply to minors will be observed.
Youth protection tests are ideally suited to be combined with direct feedback to employees.
The tested unit or the respective employee receives feedback on the result directly after the test from a tester trained for this purpose. The tester communicates the fulfilled criteria as well as the unfulfilled criteria in a factual and cooperative communication, so that this feedback represents very valuable control information for the recipient, how he can improve himself.
Synonymously used terms for feedback are coaching, direct feedback, direct response, direct feedback, feedback conversation, disclosure or test resolution.