
The following questions in particular are pursued with customer surveys: What do customers expect from the company and its services? What is the level of brand awareness? What image does the company have? How are the product range or certain services perceived? How high is the customers' willingness to pay for defined products? In focus groups and customer forums, qualitative market research can be used to ascertain in-depth wishes for the design of products. Conducted regularly, benchmark surveys provide valuable information about changes or the effectiveness of a previously implemented measure.

These instruments are suitable for collecting both conscious perceptions and subjective opinions of various target groups, from employees to sales partners to customers, and thus identifying differentiating features for the company's own products and services compared with the competition.

Potential customer surveys help to systematically determine the expectations and buying motives of your potential customers.

Non-customer surveys (lost sales analysis) help to understand why potential customers who were already in contact with the company ultimately did not buy.

For concertare, all instruments are integral parts of market research for the areas of sales, marketing, customer relationship management, CX management, quality management, training, and HR employee development.

Mystery Research Methods

For effective measurement of quality in customer contact, concertare offers various methods of mystery research. In contrast to and complementary to subjective surveys, the strength of mystery shopping instruments lies in the fact that the customer's perception of the sales conversation is objectively measured. This evaluation of employee behavior from the customer's point of view is a highly effective way of employee development and sustainably increases your sales success at the customer touchpoint.

Both in the B2B and B2C sectors, concertare has many years of experience in almost all industries using realistic test scenarios for test purchases, store checks, mystery calls as well as mystery mails. We also offer other specific forms of test purchases such as youth protection tests, test thefts, mystery pricing, or competition monitoring tailored to your company-specific goals.

Process Analysis

We use process analyses to identify the quality of customer contact as well as strengths and weaknesses at customer touchpoints. The touchpoint analysis usually covers the entire customer contact process, the so-called customer journey, including indirect communication measures. In order to optimize the acquisition of new customers, Lead Management Controlling uses authentic test inquiries to check how response times and response quality of employees turn out in the processing of leads. Key figure analyses provide quantitative information on business-relevant control processes in customer relationship management. Key indicators here include customer satisfaction (e.g., measured by the Customer Satisfaction Index), willingness to recommend (e.g., measured by the Net Promoter Score), as well as complaint rates, willingness to change and customer churn rates.

Professional feedback management enables the analysis of particularly critical contacts with the customer, via the recording of criticism and complaints in complaint management. Systematic evaluation helps to win back customers and pursues the goal of restoring customer satisfaction. In the area of analysis, concertare offers various audits by specially qualified auditors. The most important audit types include product audits, system audits, compliance audits, data protection audits and financial audits.

For all instruments used in the analysis, concertare has comprehensive IT tools and benchmark data. With modern, self-configurable dashboards and cockpit systems, we provide daily access to your projects for all authorized employees.